Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Best Twitter Application: Linux

I don't think I would even have to tell most Linux users this, but the best twitter app for Linux is Gwibber. Just like Tweetie, you have the ability to follow/un-follow people on twitter. Gwibber also allow multiple accounts, so you can have all your accounts in one place. Gwibber also sorts all you messages neatly into sections, allowing you check those section with ease. Gwibber also has a built in feature that I really like, the ability to show any new messages as you receive them. They appear in a bubble like surrounding in the top right corner. This is especially useful because you don't have to check the application constantly. What is the best part about Gwibber? I comes built in to Linux, all you have to do is set it up! So we have discussed Gwibber, which is almost exactly like Tweetie, but we haven't discussed the best Windows Twitter application. That will have to wait till tomorrow.


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